The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan (2014)

Blood-of-Olympus     Though the crewmembers of the Argo II have conquered many obstacles on their quest to stop Gaea from awakening, they still have many more tasks to complete before their goal. The crew must stop Gaea before the Feast of Spes, on which she plans to spill the blood of two demigods to fully awaken. Octavian and his Roman legion are nearly ready to destroy Camp Half-Blood, while Nico and Reyna attempt to deliver the Athena Parthenos to cease the fighting. The gods are still suffering from personality disorder, so it’s up to the demigods to stop Gaea.
    Riordan’s latest entry in the Heroes of Olympus saga comes to a disappointing end with The Blood of Olympus. The writing of Blood of Olympus is just as cliche as the other books in the series and is directed more towards preteens and some teens. Riordan’s fast paced storytelling paired with his handling of each character’s own perspective are shown a lot here. This allows for each character to get a bit of character development, albeit very predictable development. A recurring theme in Riordan’s latest series is teen romance and lots of it. While this isn’t a bad thing, it takes away from the story and is sometimes focused on more than the plot. For a conclusion to one of Riordan’s supposedly best series, it seems rushed and filled to the brim with cliches and rushed character development. A poor ending.
Reviewed by Harley M.