The Mindful Athlete: Secrets to Pure Performance by George Mumford (2015)

The-Mindful-Athlete     The greatest basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan, has credited the author of this novel for developing his game to be the best player physically and mentally of all time. The Mindful Athlete: Secrets To Pure Performance (2015) was written by George Mumford, an experienced athlete and psychologist. Mumford writes about five main aspects of the mental game and breaks them down for an everyday athletes to apply to their performance. The five aspects were Mindfulness, Concentration, Insight, Right Effort, and Trust. Those 5 aspects of mindfulness are the key to take on a game of basketball. These aspects are not just those that can be applied to sports, as many of them are similar to Buddhist teachings and can be applied to everyday life as well. I personally really enjoyed this book because I was able to gain some new knowledge on the mental aspect of the game. It should now help me to develop as an everyday athlete and to give some tips to my fellow teammates and peers. I recommend this novel to my coach and teammates as it will benefit us all mentally and motivate us to succeed. Overall, this book is geared towards helping athletes work on the mental aspects of their lives on and off the court.

Reviewed by Emmanuel B.